Folk athletic competitions and games in Greek Thrace and Macedonia

Bampalis Christos

Department Of Physical Education and Sport Science Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

ORCID: 0009-0005-6151-0615

Albanidis Evaggelos

Department Of Physical Education and Sport Science Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

ORCID: 0009-0001-2917-0922

Varvounis Manolis

Department Of Physical Education and Sport Science Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

ORCID: 0000-0003-2647-4223

Goulimaris Dimitrios

Department Of Physical Education and Sport Science Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

ORCID: 0000-0002-9089-0400


Folk athletic games were events that took place in customary events of the common rural and urban. Some of these events were related to religious holidays, harvest happenings, events of social – religious life, customs of production and trade fairs. In pre-industrial societies, they were events aimed at euphoria, while in the 19th century they aimed at socializing and confirming the national and community identity of the inhabitants of an area. They were intertwined with the particular economic and current challenges of the time. Hence the most popular games corresponded to the preparation for warfare, with the most characteristic being wrestling, horse racing, jumping, road racing, stoning, weightlifting, tug-of-war and the swing. The following paper, utilizing a number of journal articles and monographs, as well as unpublished manuscripts of the Greek Folklore Research Center, presents the circumstances and places where they took place, the way they were organized and the functions they performed in the regions of Greek Macedonia and Thrace.

Keywords: Folk sports,customs, wrestling, horse racing, jumping, road racing, stoning, weightlifting, tug-of-war, swing


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Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 1104C, 231, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 1499, 25, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 1687, 8; 19, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 1936, 10, manuscript

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Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2202, 31-32, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2526, 8, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2558, 1-4, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2743, 3-4, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2761, 322-323; 386-387, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2763, 37-40; 100-101, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2887, 63-64, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2897, 1-2; 313-315, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 2938, 12-13, manuscript

Hellenic Folklore Research Centre. 3573, 15, manuscript

Citations: Bampalis, C., Albanidis, E., Varvounis, M., Goulimaris, D., (2024) Folk athletic competitions and games in Greek Thrace and Macedonia Sportс scientific journal, Issue 2, p. 1-24:

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