Ethnosport and its Role in the Transformation of Society

Vladislavs Redjkins

PhD student of the Academic Department of Sport and Leisure Management, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia,
General Secretary of the World Strongman, Latvia.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2892-143X

Abstract: The relevance of our study is due to the fact that the processes of self-identification of peoples striving for preserve their identity in the context of the globalization erosion of ethnicity revived interest in traditional games and the preservation of their authentic forms, led to the creation of the theory of ethnosport. Ethnosport theory has developed methodological technologies for the development and design of the basis of traditional games in modern conditions (growing urbanization). As an object of socio-cultural design, traditional games have a strong competitive advantage, which lies in their duality (internal – culture and external – physical culture), which makes it possible to use the expanded resource base of culture and physical culture and sports. The growing interest in ethnosport in the world is leading to a noticeable transformation in society and sports. The elements of transformation (diversification) in sports include the emergence of ethnic stylized new kinds of sports and new disciplines (example of ethnosport-strongmen). In society, the consumer standard of uniformity (pure sport) is being replaced by an amazing cultural diversity (authentic traditional sports and games).

Key words: ethnosport, traditional sports and games, transformation, strongman


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Сайт проекта «Атмановские кулачки» [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: URL: (дата обращения 5.12.2020)

Citations: Redjkins, V. (2023). Ethnosport and its role in the transformation of society. Sportс scientific journal, Issue 1, p. 13-17:

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