Physical culture: current changes

Alexey Kylasov

Doctor Habilitate on Cultural Studies, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, professor of Academic Department of Sport and Leisure Management

ORCID: 0000-0001-5350-6214

The limit of species diversity in the development of sports is considered. The bifurcation point in the linear development of sports was the Olympic Virtual Series, which marked the creative limit and at the same time the entry into a fundamentally different environment for designing the future in the form of e-sports. A trend towards reducing stress in sports has been noted, in the context of which doping, the introduction of simulators and the increasingly popular gymnastic fitness practices that exclude the strength component of training are considered. It is concluded that the invariant of the new paradigm in the development of world sports is not speed-strength characteristics, but the achievement (as a process and as a result at the same time) of ideal well-being. The new paradigm does not deny previously established sports practices, but creates a motor culture that meets the requirements of modern man and his updated ideas about physical culture.

Key words: aerobic exercise, cardio training, doping, e-sports, fitness, sports simulators


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Citations: Kylasov, A. (2023). Physical culture: current changes Sportс scientific journal Issue 1, p. 32-34:

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