Ethnographies Associated with Names in the Languages of the East and West Peoples

Eshmurodova Zarifa Rakhmonberdiyevna

French teacher, PhD Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov

ORCID: 0000-0002-8775-861X

Annotation. The article deals with the ethnographies associated with the denomination in the languages of the Eastern and Western peoples. It is no coincidence that the birth of a child on both continents is celebrated with great joy. The living conditions, ceremonies and traditions of each nation have formed during the historical development of that nation and are important aspects of the national symbols and characteristics inherent in that nation. The article focuses on the customs and traditions associated with the birth and name of a child, the way of life of eastern and western peoples.

Key words: baby, ceremony, custom, aquiqua, cradle, baptism, denomination.

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Французские имена: значение и происхождение:
Les traditions et coutumes francaises:


Eshmurodova, Z. (2023) Ethnographies Associated with Names in the Languages of the East and West Peoples. Sportс scientific journal, p. 35-39:

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