Trends and New Formats for the Development of Sports Tourism in the Russian Federation

Elena Gureeva

PhD of Economics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, associate professor of Academic Department of Sport and Leisure Management

ORCID: 0000-0003-1112-7616

Sports leisure is a promising and developing direction today. The article discusses new forms of organization of sports tourism. The combination of sports, tourism and excursion programs is considered as the most relevant forms, which not only arouses special interest of participants, but also contributes to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the territories. Sport attracts more people than any other event: it has emotional power over all spectators and fans. Several audiences are involved at the same time, thereby forming a long-term legacy.

Key words: sports, tourism, excursions, traditions, culture, development of territories.

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Citations: Gureeva, E. (2023). Trends and New Formats for the Development of Sports Tourism in the Russian Federation, Sportсultura online scientific journal, Issue 1, p. 47-50:

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